
>> 2009年9月19日星期六

《我的美丽日记》为你提案丰富的面膜选择,不论是任何天气,任何肤质,爱美的女生都可以挑选到适合自己的面膜,同时带来多种口味与亲切的价格,就像进入琳 琅满目的美肌乐园,天天贴心呵护让您的肌肤敷出水嫩白皙!用面膜为美丽写日记,贴心的照护让您一天比一天更美丽!今天你想要享受哪一种呢?
“My Beauty Diary” provides a wide selection of masks to suit different skin texture needs in different weather. This selection aims at restoring a delicate, young and fair look to skin. With meticulous care this mask selection provides, your beauty diary is sure to be recorded with improved looks day after day!

原装台湾进口Original Import from Taiwan

*** 美记面膜 ***

《Promotion BUY 8pcs Free 1pcs

热销排行榜TOP 5 ***** RM4.50 / pcs

1. 黑珍珠面膜Black Pearl Mask


产品功效:极致润白复合精华,采用璀璨迷人的黑珍珠萃取,蕴藏了肌肤美丽的因子 含丰富氨基酸及微量元素等矿物质,是养颜美肤精选配方。 以黑珍珠所凝聚的天然活性精髓,结合多种天然海洋以及植物精萃,能使肌肤白皙柔润,开启肌肤自然保湿与嫩白机制,赋予肌肤丝缎般柔滑触感,焕发珍珠般的亮 丽光采!



Purpose: Hydrating, whitening
Skin Type: All skin types especially skin which is dull and lacks firmness
Characteristics: Combining the active ingredients from the black pearl together with extracts from the marine and plants, it enhances the hydration of the skin improving radiance.Natural vitamin C extracted from plant essence helps to exfoliate gently, removing dead skin on the surface. This allows for deep moisturizing, improving skin elasticity, energizing the skin for a healthy, radiant look.

2. 珍珠粉面膜 Pearl Powder Mask 现货

产品功效: 超细天然珍珠粉含多种氨基酸及微量元素能渗透肌肤里层,让肌肤呈现水嫩润白的光泽;桑白皮植物精华保湿滋润肌肤。



Purpose: Whitening, hydrating
Skin Type: All skin types
Characteristics: The variety of amino acids and trace elements present in natural pearl powder can penetrate deep into the skin for supple, radiant look. Essence from the Mulberry extract helps in the hydration of the skin. The vitamin B and Algae-Yeast complex activates and nourishes the skin. Licorice and Lemon extracts help the skin to regain its balance while obtaining the nourishment at the same time.

3. 保加利亚白玫瑰面膜 Bulgarian White Rose Mask

产品功效: 添加珍贵的保加利亚白玫瑰纯露,具有天然舒缓、清净保湿肌肤效果,安抚肌肤不适, 协同甘草、奇异果萃取精华使肌肤白皙,并释放有效成分滋养肌肤,温和淡化肤色,改善暗沉无光泽之肌肤,达到细致、透明感、亮丽、有光泽的白皙肤质。



Purpose: Hydrating, whitening
Skin Type: All skin types especially dull skin
Characteristics:The Bulgarian Rose Water has relaxing and cleansing properties, together with Licorice and Kiwi extracts, they enhance the caricaturisation and improve the dull skin condition restoring its fairness and radiance.Aloe, Cucumber and Algae extracts together with Vegetal Collagen replenishes the hydration needed by the skin allowing skin to stay supple and radiant.The presence of Hyaluronic acid is also prevents the loss of water and improves the firmness of the skin.

4. 红酒多份面膜 Red Wine Mask 现货

产品功效:神奇的“奈米球体Nanospheres”制作技术,给你前所未有的美丽体验!携带大量天然保湿因子的奈米球体,其孔隙结构能加强吸附活性成分的 能力,使养分长效均匀释放,能够立即补水、长期供水。 经实验证明,八小时后仍能保持70%保水度,能长时间维持润泽感。



Purpose: Anti-oxidation, brightening, firming
Skin Type: All skin types especially skin which is dull and lacks firmness.
Characteristics: The presence of Anthologist and Tannins helps to promotes the micro circulation of the skin, allowing the skin to have a natural glow and radiance, maintaining the elasticity and firmness of the skin texture.

5. 芦荟面膜 Aloe Mask 现货

产品功效: 天然的芦荟萃取液含有多种维生素成分,能提供肌肤所需的水分与营养;具复原作用的蔷薇物精华,能改善皮肤干燥与粗糙现象。


Purpose: Hydrating, repairing
Skin Type: All skin types especially dry, damaged skin.
Characteristics: The natural Aloe Extract contains a variety of vitamins providing the nutrients and hydration needed by the skin. The essence from Rose hip helps to improve dry and coarse skin condition. Algae-Yeast complex penetrates deep to nourish and moisturize the skin and the Hydroponic acid is well known for its hydrating power. This mask is especially effective for smoothing skin that has been exposed to the sun. The natural gel is effective for firming skin and pores tightening.


冰沁活氧面膜Cooling Mask
产品功效: 金缕梅、山金车植物精华能帮助肌肤的天然代谢作用,调理肌肤平衡作用,并能滋养皮肤,甘草植物精华具有镇静效果, 再加上沁凉因子薄荷脑及薄荷,可以促进肌肤循环作用,降低肌肤温度, 增加疲惫肌肤的舒适感,沁凉补水每一寸肌肤, 注入水润元气的好脸色。


用途:清凉醒肤 舒缓保湿

Purpose: Hydrating, repairing Skin Type: All skin types especially sun exposed or tired skin
Characteristics: The Peppermint Extract is able to instantly refresh the tired skin promoting metabolism, energizing the skin. Marigold Extract has excellent nourishing properties and helps in regulating the after exposed skin. The cooling effect by peppermint also helps to bring down the temperature, soothing the exposed skin. Green Tea Extract, Ginkgo Bildoa Extract works in combination against oxidation, protecting the skin and restoring the lustrous texture. Hydroponic Acid together with Elderberry Extract replenishes the hydration required by the skin giving the skin a new-born softness texture.

優酪乳面膜Yoghurt Mask

产品功效: 萃取自优酪乳的精华液, 能深层滋润,并维持肌肤的清爽水感,不泛油光;含有单宁成分的金缕梅与桦木、核桃植物精华,具有舒缓、深层保湿的效果。



Purpose: Hydrating, oil control
Skin Type: All skin types especially oily skin.
Characteristics: The essence of the Yogurt extract provides for deep nourishing keeping the skin fresh and oil free. Tannins present in Witch Hazel, Walnut and Birch has the effect relaxing and hydration. Hydroponic acid not only has the effect of preventing the loss of water in the skin surface but also provide for deep nourishing for the skin.

蘋果多酚面膜Apple Polyphenol Mask

产品功效: 以芙蓉花酸萃取精华之温和果酸不刺激,能够去除老旧角质,改善及预防毛孔粗大,以平衡油脂作用逹到紧致毛孔,彻底改善肤质,使肌肤细嫩柔亮。



Purpose: Tightening pores, regulates sebum secretion
Skin type: All skin types especially skin with enlarged pores
Characteristics: The natural acid present in the Hibiscus Tariff Extract has the same effect as AHAs helping to remove surface dead skin but does not stimulate the skin. It also improves and prevents pores enlarging, regulating sebum secretion. This helps to tightens pores, and improves the skin texture.

Q10 面膜Q10 Rejuvenating Mask
产品功效: Q10协同维他命BT复合精华及卵磷脂有优越的抗氧化作用,可以降低活性氧对肌肤的伤害,塑造出紧致、弹力、光滑的年轻肌肤。搭配天然植物舒缓保湿成份能滋润保湿及镇静舒缓肌肤,提高表皮层含水量,赋予肌肤弹性并焕发水亮透明感,将肌肤导向最佳状态。


Purpose: Anti-oxidation, hydrating, firming
Skin Type: All skin types especially skin lacking firmness
Characteristics: Q10 (a.k.a Ubiquitous or Co enzyme Q), Vitamin BT (Carnivore) and Lecithin have excellent effects as anti-oxidants, reducing the harm caused by the free oxygen radicals in the air on the skin, creating firm, elastic smooth skin. With natural plant moisturizing ingredients to soothe and hydrate the skin, it not only improves the hydration in the surface skin, but also provide a lustrous texture, steering the skin to function at it’s peak. Hydroponic acid works hand in hand Nanospheres to provide for prolonged hydration effect, rejuvenating of the skin.

納豆面膜Natto Rejuvanating Mask 现货

产品功效: 奈米纳豆菁华含有丰富的异黄酮素,能预防自由基的形成,减缓肌肤因年龄所产生的细纹、延缓老化,使肌肤紧致有弹力。高效锁水保湿 纳豆精萃内含r-PGA成分,不仅能在表层肌肤上形成一道水薄膜,减少水分子的散失,更可深入内层,刺激活化细胞,提升皮肤角质细胞内的NMF(天然保湿 因子)含量,以达到高效保水的目的,并在生化活化矽及深海海藻精华调理下,使肌肤的含水量达到饱足的状态,恢复光泽弹力。


Purpose: Hydrating, firming
Skin Type: All skin types especially dull, dehydrated skin
Characteristics: The r-PGA component present in Natto Gum not only protects the skin with a thin layer of water film preventing the loss of water from skin surface, but also effectively penetrates deep to hydrate the skin. Together with the Bio-Active Silanols and Algae Extract conditioning, they work to achieve maximum hydration for the skin regaining its luster. The Natto essence is iso-flavone rich and helps to rejuvenate the skin, improving the skin’s elasticity, reducing signs of aging.

清酒酒粕面膜sake yeast mask 现货

产品功效: 海洋深层水酿造的清酒酒粕酵母精华能有效提高皮肤肌表温度,促进肌肤的老旧角质代谢,使肤质白嫩无瑕、晶莹剔透。胶原蛋白是皮肤再生的最主要元素,植物性胶原蛋白能充分供给皮肤所需养分,维持肌肤角质再生修护能力。


Purpose: Hydrating, oil control, repairing
Skin Type: All skin types
Characteristics: Sake brewed from deep ocean water, the sake yeast extract promotes the regenerating of cells, allowing skin to be clear and radiant. The Vegetal Collagen provides the nourishment needed by the skin maintaining the skin’s regenerating healing function.Cactus Extract contains rich amount of flavonoids, polysaccharide and amino acids which keeps the skin hydrated. Grapefruit extracts soften skins and regulates sebum secretion, allowing skin to stay refreshed and oil free. Algae Extract improves the skin metabolism and keeps the skin elastic and firm.

普羅旺斯薰衣草面膜Provence Lavender Mask
产品功效: 添加优质的法国普罗旺斯薰衣草精油,含丰富维他命C,具天然舒缓、柔敏功效,馥郁细致的香气,能帮助缓和肌肤压力与紧张情绪,使身心和谐平衡;金盏花、山金车及金丝桃等植物萃取精华,有助于改善及调整易敏感肌肤不安定状况,呈现亮丽又健康的肤质。



Purpose: Relaxing, soften, calm
Skintype: All skin types even for sensitive skin
Characteristics: Lavender Essential Oil is rich in vitamin C and has soothing and relaxing properties. The aroma helps to clam and relax the tension accumulated in the skin restoring balance. The essence from Marigold Extract, Arnica and St John's Wort are effective for regulating sensitive skin for healthy and radiant skin. Lotus Extract‘s cleansing and calming properties can help in cleansing the dead skin as well as soften and hydrate the skin.The oil from Sweet Almond Protein can penetrate deep into the skin to prevent sensitive from dryness of skin and improve the skin hydration retaining function, creating a soft and smooth skin texture.

精米胜肽面膜Intensive Rice-Peptides Mask

产品功效: 大豆胜肽萃取精华和米胜肽萃取精华组成的紧致活化连结精华,含大豆异黄酮素及米糠精华成分,双重新生功效,能赋活肌肤,发挥紧实的作用,提升肌肤的防御 力,并调节肌肤的正常机能,使肌肤柔软水嫩,白皙亮丽,改善黯沉肤质,并且有效减缓肌肤老化征兆的出现,恢复肌肤生气,重现光滑细致的完美肤质。

Purpose: Hydrating, firming, tightening Skin Type: All skin types
Characteristics: The Soy-Peptides and Rice-Peptides combination contains both rice bran and soy iso-flavone essence producing a strong regenerating effect. Not only does it help the skin regain its elasticity and firmness, but it also regulates the skin’s function reducing the dullness and aging-signs to allow the skin restore its vibrate, smoothness and radiance.Witch Hazel Extracts, Bladder wrack and Gentian Extract can soften and refresh the skin. In combination with Water cress Extract and Algae Extract, the hydration effect is maximised, improving the condition of dry skin and reducing the appearance of wrinkles.

限量版 Limited Favorite RM 4.50 / pcs

- 巧克力多酚面膜 Chocolate Mask (我的美麗日記2009年限量款)



融合紧致明亮的美肌种子 可可萃取精华含丰富天然植物乳脂、植物类黄酮、矿物质、维生素以及多酚类物质,具出色的滋润、修护与防老特性,使缺水晦暗的肌肤恢复柔滑紧致,同时淡化暗沉,呈现水嫩透亮;结合咖啡萃取精华紧致因子,可改善肌肤紧致度,赋予肌肤加倍弹性水亮!

蕴藏细致水嫩的甜蜜滋味 柠檬、甜橙、越橘精华与甘蔗、糖槭萃取的协同作用,可温和去除表皮老废角质,使肌肤纹理光滑细致,同时滋润舒爽干燥的肌肤,呈现柔皙水嫩的肤质。浓郁甜蜜的巧克力芳香,洋溢着甜美愉悦的滋味,让肌肤也充满了恋爱的幸福感!


The cacao & coffe extracts give skin nourishment, repair & anti-aging, recovering from dullness & turning back to smooth & refined skin. It also has lemon, orange & mikan extracts that'll mildly remove old skin cells, leaving a fine skin texture with smooth finish.

Main Ingredients:Cocoa extract- nourishes, protects, rejuvenatesCoffee-extract firming agents- improve skin firmness, redoublesresilience and glowExtract of lemon, sweet orange, cranberry, sugar cane and sugar-made- gently removes dead skin cutin cells.

Appeals/Characteristics:Delicate, radiant and firm. For dull, rough skin that lacks resillience
Suitable Skin Type: For Dull, rough skin that lacks resillience.

-日本吉野櫻花面膜 Japanese Cherry Blossom Mask 现货



清 新绽白 精选来自日本的染井吉野樱花萃取,具净白、舒缓与紧致肌肤三重功效,能唤回肌肤的清透净白光泽、纾解肌肤的不适感,同时保持绝佳的紧致弹性。搭配柠檬与奇 异果萃取的清新、柔润、舒适。肌肤被淡雅的樱花气息满满围绕,层层绽放柔白粉嫩,宛若初春盛开的吉野樱花瓣,白皙中透出浅粉色泽。 亮颜舒缓 协同山金车与芦荟舒缓植物精华,赋予肌肤完美的润泽修护作用,还原肌肤的元气,再现清新动人的亮丽光泽。

[日本吉野樱]日本盛产樱花,被 誉为“樱花之国”。春天赏樱是日本传统习俗之一,每年三月中旬至四月中旬为日本“樱花节”。整个花期约五十天,从花开至花谢仅七至十天。日本樱花品种繁 多,其中以奈良县吉野山的樱花最文明常见,约占总樱花量百分之八十。吉野樱属落叶木,高度约五至十二公尺,开花前先落叶,花形为单瓣五枚花瓣,花色在初绽 放时呈浅粉红,完全绽放时渐转泛白,花期整株开满花,非常灿烂壮观,果实为可食用之樱桃。

- 复合莓果面膜 Mixed Berry Mask


适用肤质:一般肌肤皆可使用;特别推荐肤色不均、粗糙松弛肌肤使用 匀亮紧

撷 取自蓝莓、覆盆莓、越橘、桑椹的莓类果淬,富含多种卓越的美肌元素,赋予肌肤丰沛的美丽活力,抵御环境导致肌肤老化的潜在因子。透过多元莓果的滋养润泽功 效,环环锁住肤色不均、晦暗与松弛的源头,使肌肤浸润在香甜的莓果浴中,淬炼出完美紧致的肤质,焕发出匀净透亮的光泽。 澄净柔细 藉由紫草与绿茶萃取精华的双乘辅助,可温和软化角质,使肌肤散发明亮光采,重现柔嫩细致、澄澈晶透的质感。
[美肌小百科]果香馥郁、口感酸甜的莓 果类,含丰富的多酚物质,抗氧能力位居水果之冠,是盛行于欧美的水果。 “莓类多酚”符合追求健康美丽的现代女性需求,其抗老化的优越功效深受瞩目,不仅是维持健康的帮手,也是肌肤抗老的美容圣品,有益维持身体健康与青春活 力,让健康与美丽同时加分!

- 草莓優格面膜Strawberry Yogurt Mask

产品功效: 净白ˋ细致ˋ零油光含有果酸ˋ酵素ˋ矿物质,让皮肤净白清新, 搭配乳酸优格,帮助油脂分泌平衡,保湿效果提升, 可以达到紧致毛孔的效果,让肤色白里透红~

白金升级版 Luxury Line RM 8 / pcs

白金保濕面膜 Platinum Hydra Mask

日本进口布膜、不含酒精及香料 我的美丽日记白金面膜特别从日本引进高服贴布膜增加吸收度。 100%不含酒精及香料等刺激成分,质纯温和,使用后肌肤清爽零负担,可迅速明亮肌肤,持续水漾润泽肌肤!


Purpose: Hydrating, whitening, firming
Skin Type: All skin types Characteristics: Produced using the platinum nanotechnology from Japan, the mask has anti-oxidising properties which help to deter skin from dehydration, dullness and pre mature wrinkles. The anions (negatively charged ions) helps to lock in moisture enhancing hydration effects.Active ingredients are released gradually with the new Multiple Layer Capsulation technology to enhance the absorption by the skin.Mask Sheet which is imported from Japan, promotes rate of absorption. Does not contain alcohol, fragance nor other skin stimulating products.

白松露極致美白面膜 Camellia Ultra Hydra Mask

来自法国的珍贵白松露与两大美白明星成分传明酸与维生素C衍生物SAP的创新结合-三效极致美 白复合精华,针对肌肤晦暗、偏黄、肤色不均等困扰,给予顶级奢华的调理与呵护。 搭配多重舒缓亮白植物精华-玫瑰果、桑白皮和仙人掌萃取,帮助改善角质堆积、粗糙暗沉、淡化斑点、舒缓滋润肌肤,促使美白成分发挥淋漓尽致功效,使用后肌 肤立即呈现晶透亮白、柔润无瑕的完美质感。


用途: 明亮肤色、淡化瑕疵、柔软滋润肌肤

Multiple Soothing Crystal Bright

- Multiple plants extracts from rose hips, white mulberry root bark and cactus, help to clear accumulated dead cells and cutis, improve roughness and dullness, lighten skin pigmentation spots, soothe and nourish skin. After use, a perfect texture of glow, translucence, radiance and suppleness will be immediately observed on skin.

Japan-introduced mask material, fragrance and alcohol free

- Introduced from Japan, the highly fitting mask material is 100% fragrance and alcohol-free. With a gentle and pure texture, it offers the skin fresh feel without discomfort!

Triple Whitening Compounds

- An innovational version combined precious French white truffle and two highly effective whitening ingredients: m-tranexamic acid and SAP, a vitamin-C derivative, works terrifically on improving dullness and eliminating uneven skin tone.

Nano-Biotech Double Vehicle

- Active ingredients wrapped in multiple layers of bio substance. Through a controlled time-released effect, these ingredients work on skin by degrees and are absorbed more easily in epidermis.

山茶花極潤保濕面膜 Whitening Truffle Mask

日本进口高服贴布膜 特别引进日本高服贴、柔软细致布膜以增加吸收度。使用后肌肤立即水亮晶透,散发出前所未有的透白肌感! 产 品功效:添加日本超人气成分—山茶花 添加来自日本的高保湿成分—山茶花与山茶花种子萃取液。其特征为高保湿、抗氧,,可使肌肤保持水嫩年轻。搭配高质量玻尿酸的清、透乳清剂型精华液,使用后 感觉皮肤保湿能力大幅提升,可杜绝年龄老化带来的伤害,让肌肤维持青春饱水的状态。 无添加、弱酸性无添加会刺激皮肤、引发过敏反应的色素、香料、防腐剂及酒精;弱酸性的功效可减轻肌肤负担,长期使用可增进并维持皮肤的健康,使肌肤散发原 有的健康光泽! 适合肤质:一般肌肤,尤干燥、缺水肌肤、让肌肤维持青春饱水的状态。

No addictive, weak acid

- 100% color additives, fragrance, mineral oil and alcohol-free. Weak acid is close to the pH nature of skin so it provides skin comfort while using

Japan-introduced mask material, fragrance and alcohol free

- This soft mask material fits close to your skin, making the essence enjoy better efficiency in absorption

Serum Extracted from Camellia and Camellia seeds

- Added with the serum extracted from camellia and camellia seeds; best selling in Japan for its highly effective moisturization and anti-oxidant; ideal for improving moisture retention of skin.

- Combined with high quality hyaluronic acid serum, helps maintain young, supple look with great moisture retention!

- 我的美丽日记-白茶牡丹清透美白面膜 White Peony Tea Mask 现货









超值礼盒。限量推出 Limited Package

- All-in-one無暇急救方案 《NOW ONLY: RM140》N/P: RM180

芦荟5入、珍珠粉5入、玫瑰4入、草莓优格4入、冰沁4入、苹果4入、精米2入、樱花(新品)3入、白金3入 (共:34片)

- All-in-one完美天使禮盒《NOW ONLY: RM140》N/P: RM180

黑珍珠5入、红酒5入、纳豆5入、清酒5入、草莓优格5入、精米3入、复合莓果(新品)3入、白松露3入 (共:34片)

- 甜心草莓系Sweet Strawberry Set 《NOW ONLY: RM65》N/P: RM80



- 粉嫩草莓系 Pink Strawberry Set《NOW ONLY: RM65》N/P: RM80


- 超白皙娃娃面膜禮盒
《NOW ONLY: RM190》N/P: RM250

珍珠面膜10入+红酒面膜10入+清酒酒粕面膜10入+精米面膜10入+苹果面膜10入 (共:50片)

- 高保濕娃娃面膜禮缺货。预订
《NOW ONLY: RM190》N/P: RM250

Q10面膜10入+玫瑰面膜10入+纳豆面膜10入+芦荟面膜10入+优酪乳面膜10入 (共:50片)

How to use

1. After cleansing your skin, place the facial mask over your face.2. Remove the plastic sheet.
2. Remove mask after 20~30 mins.

3. Slowly massage your face until the liquid is absorbed by your skin.

** No need to rinse after usage. Can apply moisturizer after use. Recommended to use 2~3 times a week.



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