爱美就是要耍心机..... (我的心机新品上市,有兴趣订购者请快哦,畅销品数量有限)

>> 2009年8月16日星期日


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Caviar extract regard as “Ocean Diamond” is an excellent anti-oxidant, which contains rich phospholipid, phosphoprotein, human-needed DNA, vitamins and amino acid, enable to activate and renew skin. It gives your skin with moisture and firming by repairing damaged skin and reviving skin function. The mask additionally adds fagus sylvatica extract and Vitamin E, which improve normal function of skin and it’s activity. Your skin can be mild and tender as infant.



Premium hyaluronan mask with the best moisturizing effect gives you a smooth, gentle and moisture skin. With many types of plant essence, this mask supplements nutrition to the skin to improve the conditions such as roughness, dryness, and cracks.



Mint oil extracted from mint with a cool scent is a good material to refresh our brain. The mask’s advanced moisture factor prevents skin from dryness, coarseness and aging. It improves and renews skin cells. Collagen improves skin elasticity and moisture, and provide you a healthy and sheeny skin.



Red wine polyphenol with high antioxidant content restores the lightness and brightness of skin. Calcium, magnesium, potassium, and iron in red wine give you a rosy complexion! Vitamin E - the natural antioxidant helps in preventing aging and cell damage problems. And, it stabilizes blood circulation for healthy and rosy complexion.



Sake kasu is a natural anti-oxidant. It can smoothen skin wrinkles and revive skin cells. Sake kasu has a good effect on restraining the activity of tyrosinase and promoting skin metabolism, which provides a firming and fine skin. Hyaluronic acid has good effects on moisture, anti-free radical, and anti-aging.



Rose extract deeply moistures skin and improves uneven skin tone. Hyaluronan in this mask helps skin to replenish moisture. A protective layer preventing moisture loss is left on the skin upon. Your skin restores the normal tension for a delicate and smooth look!



Lavender extract balances sebum secretion. The fragrance calms and relaxes your mind. This mask is specially formulated for sensitive skin to soothe the tight and tingly feelings on face. With chamomile extract and hyaluronan added, this mask improves skin elasticity and give you a smooth and radiant skin.



The natural camellia extract increases the moisturizing and soothing function. And, it also repairs skin. Hyaluronan, saccharide isomerate moisturizing factor, and jojoba oil improve skin and prevent moisture loss. This mask improves hydrating effect and revitalizes your face for smooth and radiance effects.


櫻花嫩白光采面膜,不只有淡淡的櫻花味,更精萃西印度櫻桃,讓西印度櫻桃裡天然的維他命C深入調理毛孔,滋養肌膚改善暗 沉,讓肌膚維持不緊繃的清爽狀態,還給肌膚明皙光采,再加上玻尿酸與多種植物精萃,其金盞花獨特效果,從古以來即可修護、舒緩肌膚,溫和的平衡油脂分泌, 同時給你健康好氣色。
Lighting Mask with Vitamin C in West Indian Cherry Penetrates and purifies pores for brisk and white skin. Hyaluronan and other plant extracts are available in this mask too. The unique effect of Marigold is great in repairingsnf soothing skin.The gentle and balance sebum secretion gives you healthy complexion.

我的心機~左旋C膠原蛋白月牙型眼膜 -【新款上市】


利 用天然海藻多糖,甲殼素、並添加絕佳抗氧化力-左旋C與高效保濕因子等高機能複方精華液研發出【水晶左旋C靓白眼膜】具有逆轉單向滲透吸收功能。可淡化色 素斑點,改善眼部周圍暗沉肌膚,絕佳的抗氧化能力‧使肌膚緊緻,能減少眼部細紋,能改善暗沉膚色,使眼周肌膚嬌細柔嫩、白皙亮麗、緊膚除皺。

產 地--台灣


投 保--
投保新安東京海上1000萬產品責任險, 保單碼:17401字第98ML000124號

我的心機~Q10膠原蛋白水晶月牙型眼膜 -【新款上市】RM3/pcs



產 地--台灣


投 保--
投保新安東京海上1000萬產品責任險, 保單碼:17401字第98ML000124號

我的心機~玻尿酸保濕水晶月牙型眼膜 -【新款上市】RM3/pcs


利 用天然海藻多糖,甲殼素、並添加高效保濕因子玻尿酸、與彈力膠原蛋白等高機能複方精華液研發出【水晶玻尿酸保濕眼膜】具有逆轉單向滲透吸收功能。補充肌膚 需要的滋潤,快速的浸透角質層,恢復油水平衡狀態,減少眼部細紋,改善眼部暗沉肌膚,使眼周肌膚水嫩柔滑,白皙緊緻、彈力緊緻。

產 地--台灣


投 保--
投保新安東京海上1000萬產品責任險, 保單碼:17401字第98ML000124號

我的心機~15胜肽膠原蛋白水晶月牙型眼膜 -【新款上市】RM3/pcs


用 天然海藻多糖,甲殼素、並添加15胜肽與彈力膠原蛋白等高機能複方精華液研發出【水晶15胜肽緊緻眼膜】具有逆轉單向滲透吸收功能。能淡化肌膚紋路,讓 眼周肌膚更加平滑細緻,有效撫平皺紋,預防乾燥,改善眼部周圍暗沉肌膚,更生及活化膚質使眼周肌膚柔滑水嫩、白皙透亮、緊膚除皺。

產 地--台灣


投 保--
投保新安東京海上1000萬產品責任險, 保單碼:17401字第98ML000124號



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